yesterday at 22:45
Registration: 12 jule 2019
Rating: 6
Place in rating: 909
Number of phone: confirmed
Last visit: yesterday at 22:45
Time online: 65h, 06min
Basic information
Gender: Female
Occupation: I work
About myself
Attitude to smoking: Negative
Attitude to alcohol: Neutral
Orientation: Hetero
Purpose of dating: Sex in real life
Eye color: Зеленые
Hair length: Medium
Body type: Customary
Sexual activity
Assess your sexual activity: High
Maximum number of partners during sex: Several
Did you make erotic photos, videos: Yes
Does size matter to you: Yes, but not always
You like to say dirty words during sex: Yes very
Have you ever had sex in public places: Yes
What kinds of sex do you practice most often: Оральный, анальный
What kind of sexual skill do you expect from a partner: Настойчивость
Tell one of your favorite sexual fantasies: Групповой мммммж, где ж это только я одна. Побывать на празднике "мальчишник" у жениха. Быть всегда востребованной не зависимо от моего желания. Посетить SW-клуб. Отсосать у незнакомых мужиков с финалом на лицо
Sexual preferences
Attitude to virtual sex: Neutral
Attitude to oral sex: Positive
Attitude to anal sex: Positive
Attitude to the use of sex toys: Positive
Attitude to the use of food in sex: Neutral
Attitude to role-playing sex games: Positive
Attitude to BDSM: I want to try
Attitude to the exchange of partners: Positive
Attitudes to sex in public places: Positive
Theme: Light | Dark
Version: Mobile | Lite | Touch
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